Analisa Politik

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Wednesday, October 14, 2020

The Effort to Protect Mental Health in Society During Coronovirus!!

 The Effort to Protect Mental Health in Society During Coronovirus

Source :

On October 10, 2020, the world populations are celebrating World Mental Helath Day, but at the current situation (Covid-19 Era), it be attractive discussion, Why? The world currently is being attacked by disease. Definitely, it will disturb human psyco. The threaty of virus (Covid-19), it may be stressful for people. Fear and anxiety about a new disease and what could happen can be overwhelming and cause strong emotions in adult and children. The spread of virus can make people isolated and lonely, it also can increase stress and anxiety. Therefore, definitely can increase the social trouble in the society. So, how to protect mental health in life when pandemic still occured?

Covid-19 is not only a global pandemic and public health crisis; it has also severely   affected the social life. Almost people arround the world feels the affected of this pandemic, especially in their social life. Indonesia is one of countries that exposed impact of pandemic in social life. Therefore, various kinds of policy applied in each district. The existence of a policy in each district has raised the conflict between head of district. Instance Jakarta as The Capital of Indonesia.

Recently, Governour of Jakarta issued the suprise policy, by applied the past policy again and again, namely Total’s PSBB (Pembatasan Sosial Bersekala Besar). Although the policy has been raised conflict in public society, in a fact, the policy will assign as prime resolution in Jakarta’s District. Considering that the spread of pandemic in Jakarta increased as time goes on.

Somehow, why that policy issued as a prime resolution in Jakarta? That we know, Jakarta is a biggest business town in Indonesia, and it will be affected. According to Juan Pablo Bohoslavsky in Health and Human Right Journal, entitled “Covid-19 Economy vs Human Rights : A Misleading Dichotomy” when the life and health of populations are at stake, business as usual must not go on. And government have to ensure that public health system do not collaps.

Based on Pablo’s argument above, we can create a conclusion that a head of district must be expertist in analyze the possibilities. Also in seeing or seeking oppurtinity to solve any problem which come and to able sorting some-decision by deeply computed till no one feel harmed. Simplly, how make threaty become oppurtunity.

Further, Pablo argues; when faced with making a decision about protecting lifes, or protecting economy, human rights must inform the debate. Which must be underlined here, that human rights become pillar in every problem and should be a main or primary point in any debate or discussion in taking decision.

Human Right First!

Moreover, Benjamin Mason and friends proposed article entitiled “Human Rights Must Be Central to The International Health Regulations” he mentioned Covid-19 pandemic serves as  a stark reminder that health and human rights are inextricably bound together, and every state have to “bulid back better” by engaging in critical reflection on the imperative to respond global public health threath through the lens of a comperhensive human rights framework.

Therefore, the policy that issued by Government of Jakarta not strange, when raises the debate in public society, by seen in several aspects; likely in Human Right, cause the “economic-walfare” is a part of human rights. On the other side, certainly its not only disputes of both dichotomy (health and economy). But its will become dispute in the side of social life. 

In social life, if this situation continuing till the unsetted time, definitely will affect to human psychology and bringing some-impact, likely stress out. Where public health emergencies are suffuced with scientific uncertainly. And it would be a problem that human are become frustrated in facing pandemic.

The Happines Based on Human Psycology

The existence of human at every level, from the cell to organism, and from individual to the population, psycology homeostasis is a drive toward stabilty, security and adaptation to change. In this context, homeostasis is not interprated as human organism analyzes (how to maintain body balance), but it interprated as psycological human in Covid-19 era.

Maslow, AH in Psycological Review, entitled “A Theory of Human Motivation”. He mentioned the homeostasis in seven level of hierarchy. And the main point in these hierarchy is immediate psycological needs – incorporates psycological homeostasis and sustenance of all psycological needs. It clearly, that Maslow delivers how importantly to keep psycological condition in any situation, notably in threaty of virus (Covid-19).

Maintaining a helthy body is indeed important. however, maintance our mental helath no less important. Mental health is an important part of overall health and well-being. Emotional, psychological, and social well-being is a part of mental helath. It affect how we think, feel, and act. It also helps determine how we handle stress, relate to others, and make healthy choices. In every stage of life, mental health is important, from childhood and adolescance through adulthood. (Centers fo Disease Control and Prevention, USA)

A stressful is one of an effect than mental illness. Stress is a natural mental reaction to life experiences. Somepeople expresses stress from time to time. Anything from everyday routinity, like work and family to serious events such as a new diagnosis. For immediate, short-term situations, stress can benefical of our health.

In the current situation (Covid-19), our mental healthy is under threaty, during covid-19, when many are in lockdown or self-quarantine, mental helath could suffer. The disease is creating stress for global population and it can negativelty impact depression and anxiety. The threaty forces us to finding ways to maintain our normal routine is essential to reducting stress and potential depressive.

In article of European and Pharmaceutical Review, Which wrote by Victoria Rees entitled “How to Take Care of Your Mental Health During the Covid-19 Pandemic” he mentioned that take some-exercise is one of the ways to finding and controlling our happiness in covid-19 era. For further details he maintioned that to take some-exercise between 30-40 minutes a day, it can help increase our mental health from stress out, anxiety, dan depression.

Despite, the suggestion to take exercises is not enhoed by Vicoria in her article above, it also enhoed by institutions, organization, and other. But unfortunately, these suggestions utilized through grouping exercise. And it could be cluster of increasingly the spread of covid-19. Instance, mostly Indonesia’s population takes exercises by cycling in groups. And it can become the new cluster.

Therefore, maintaining mental health, certainly is important. But, how we do react and balance out to avoid it?  In case, doing self-exercise make dull’s thing. Perhaps, The better way to finding happiness i.e. Watching Nacos in Netflick.

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